2016 Thank You!

//2016 Thank You!

2016 Thank You!

CBM and our partner the Bolivian Baptist Union send greetings and express their sincerest gratitude for your partnership in 2016.  STEP churches continue to be a key part of our ministry in Bolivia.  Your support in 2016 has enabled the church in Bolivia in the proclamation and demonstration of the gospel.  Because of your partnership families in Mizque and Yotala live in renovated homes safe from Chagas disease.  Pastors have received theological training and are better equipped to lead their congregations in Integral Mission.  Local churches in Bolivia are being encouraged and equipped to engage in community development through significant integral mission initiatives.

Your partnership continues to have significant impact!

A special thank you goes to the people of Laurier Heights Baptist Church for your continued heart for children in Bolivia.  You have obeyed the call of Christ to care for the “least of these” with your support of Casa de la Amistad and Jireh.  Your generosity towards these projects has provided a safe place with spiritual care, healthy meals and educational support.

Your partner looks forward to an upcoming visit from your church.

May God bless you in your ministry this year to the people in Edmonton and Bolivia.  This site will continue be used regularly to keep you updated and to strengthen the relationship between your congregation and the partner in Bolivia.

By | 2017-07-19T17:05:55+00:00 February 3rd, 2017|Laurier Heights|0 Comments

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